Monday, December 28, 2015

Puppies 1st snow! (Picture & Video)

Well at 6 months old he finally experienced snow for the first time today.  
It was an epic experience in so many ways.  He spent the first half hour trying to eat as much of it as he could, and glancing at the sky as though confused about where it was all coming from. 
He then spent the remainder of the day obsessed with getting back outside to play in it, each time coming in the house looking like a wooly mammoth with snowballs hanging from his legs. 
He was ridiculous in his attempts to get outside to play and the other three dogs continue to hide from him and refuse to go out in the pen when he is out there.  He lays in wait, just outside the dog door and pounces on them the moment they are halfway through.  The snow made this game even more fun for him as he ran around the yard, periodically barking as he looked up at the sky.
Later this evening, he experienced another first.  A snowplow.  Granted I don't get much traffic down this road, given that I am in the country and on a dead end road.  However, as he watched out the window, with no idea what to make of the unknown machinery, he began barking frantically as though it were the mother ship coming to abduct us all.  
After spending more than 8  hours on overdrive, within the last ten minutes he has finally crashed and is passed out next to me.  I cringe knowing I will have to let him out once more tonight and I dread the 15 minutes it will take me to get him back in the house, and the other 15 minutes it will take me to get him dry again!  
I can say however, that as time consuming and energy draining as he is, he also brings a level of joy to my heart which is beyond description and he makes me laugh even on days it feels there isn't much to laugh about. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Love and Pride

Kerrie Kerkman added 2 new photos — with Shirley Larson.
My baby girl once again amazes me. She hasnt been "working" in a while, but over last 3 days every time I am at the hospital, my mom commented that she was surprised I hadn't brought Maggie. These two love each other beyond belief anyway, so the greeting was enough to bring tears to my eyes. And watching Maggie as I put on her vest and saw her transform, so excited and anxious to get inside and do her is a feeling of love and pride I cant describe. Through the trials of this week I am grateful for this moment!!!!

Love my mornings


Sunday, December 6, 2015

Monday, November 30, 2015

Breathtaking moments

I am in awe of the beauty I see every mor morning. 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Beautiful night

First time in a month going to the park. I'm not sure who was more excited,  Ellie or me...pretty sure once we saw the deer it was her. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015

Working for the weekend

If I have to spend my weekend working at least I have the best side kick with me

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Friday, November 6, 2015

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A Flashback (Maggie) from 2 Years Ago, Courtesy of Facebook

Wow. This popped up from 2 years ago today. Her little boy Cash looks like that now! Of course today, neither of them are in any shape to be doing that. Cant wait until they are all healed!!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Breathing a sigh of relief

All my furry loves are home and all are good.  Now the job of keeping track of 3 sets of medications, 4 incisions,  3 sets of care instructions. ...

My Little Boy Waiting

So Cash continues to recover, and 2 of my other dogs were off to surgery this morning (previously scheduled, just crazy timing ). He was not thrilled with Ellie and Maggie leaving, he followed them and waited....and waited for a really long time. It is noted however this is the only time he sat still today....tranquilizers are on their way!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Day 2

Rambunctious and devious today!! You would never know he had lifesaving surgery two days ago! !

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Day 1 for puppy Cash

So day 1 of recovery has been fairly uneventful. 
Unless you count the 4 different socks I have taken away from him,  the 100 times I have said "no" when he is trying to get to his stitches, the proof that he is all puppy as I see him trying to wrestle the big dogs on day 1, and watching him take off across the yard at a dead sprint  to chase a leaf! So much for keeping him quiet!

Friday, October 23, 2015


A few  of cuddling before I had to leave him there for surgery.


Day 2 of stomach x rays and exams and my heart was broken when I had to walk out of the office and leave him there after finding out there's still more in his little stomach and he will need surgery this afternoon. I am praying as many puppy prayers as I can!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

My Top 5

Me and my girl.  

If I had to pick the top five things in my life, my dogs and my bike would make the cut.   Those of you who know me well, know the others.  Faith, family (friends) and running. 

Cash Meets a Cat and a Goat for the First Time

Cash and his trip to the Little Farmer were eventful!  He met a cat and a goat for the first time.  He had an immediate reaction the goat, doing a tough guy posture and a low growl.   I expected he would do the same for the cat, but he was tenative intially.  As he got a bit closer in his curiosity, the cat arched her back and started doing a low throaty noise and hissing at the same time.  As soon as that started Cash was out of there, he wanted nothing to do with her.  In all fairness I think the cat weighed as much as he did. 

My Four Furry Loves

Trying to get them all in one spot long enough to take a picture is almost impossible!  94 out of 100 of them were blurry, out of focus, cut somone's head off, or little puppy Cash was in motion! 

Saturday, October 17, 2015


My day started with this sky.... Kirby, a great running partner who picks me up and has bagels, water and iced coffee waiting!!! 
All added up to great morning run....except for the extra hills. Well ok I love the hills but not so much how my legs feel tonight!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Monday, September 7, 2015

Amazing Weekend

My buddy

Sunrise Saturday Morning 

Lunch break

Survived a day of kayaking

A different view

Peaceful Field
Mountain Biking 
Sunset Monday Night