Saturday, May 9, 2015

What's Worth Pulling Over For

On the trip that almost didn't happen, on a road  I almost didn't take, on a shoulder I almost didn't pull over on, I told myself it was ok to take five minutes to stop for a photo.  Fighting my inner voice which was urging me to just keep going, to get as many miles in as possible, to hurry and get 'there', I listened instead to my heart.

I pulled over, I backed up, I turned around.  I took the moment and I took the photo.  I vowed to remember to listen to my heart and the whispers.  The whispers were the voices which urged me to make this trip happen, despite all the reasons my head told me I couldn't.  The whispers are where I long to live.

I remembered it is always ok to pull over and back up and to stop.  Just stop and listen and see.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Friday night motorcycle and sunset

Make your photo now!

Friday, May 1, 2015

My Ellie bean

4 years ago today you brought this little peanut to me to meet and she never left! She has been my running buddy, my adventure pal, traveling across the country with me and she makes me smile and laugh every day. She has gone from a fearful dog who spent every day cowering to a sassy girl who saunters through the world taking no prisoners! I can teach her to do anything she is motivated by food and that order:) She is one of the best things life has brought me, teaching me more about unconditional love than I ever thought possible.