Monday, December 10, 2012

Happiness is.....follow up to 1st run in the snow

Yesterday I was able to be on the trails with my dogs, walking and running in the first snowfall of the year.  I have not ever and will never be a winter person, however one of the rare places I am able to appreciate the beauty of it is on the trails.  The second place is curled up in my electric blanket, dogs at my feet or in my lap, looking out my window with it's beautiful country view.

I headed out to the trails yesterday just as it was starting to snow and in the short drive there, reflected on how incredibly happy I was to be in that moment.  My dogs start to cry and whine as soon as we leave the driveway and by the time we have made the 6 minute drive to the trailhead, they are crying at a ridiculous volume.  They move from window to window so rapidly they shake my vehicle.  In the weeks I was not able to get out there and run or even walk, I felt the same way.

I was filled with peaceful  happiness and I headed out and so very aware of how much I was grateful.

I was reminded of the Charlie Brown song.....


Happiness - TV specialHappiness - TV special(02:46)
Charlie Brown: Happiness is, finding a pencil
Sally: Knowing a secret
Linus: Telling the time
Schroeder: Happiness is, learning to whistle
Linus: Tying your shoe for the very first time!
Sally: Happiness is playing the drums in your own, school band
Charlie Brown: And happiness, is walking hand in hand.
Charlie Brown: Happiness is, two kinds of ice cream
Snoopy: Pizza with sausage
Schroeder: Climbing a tree
Charlie Brown: Happiness is, five different crayons
Sally: Catching a firefly
Linus: Setting him free
Charlie Brown: Happiness, is being alone every now, and then
Everybody: And happiness, is coming home again.
Charlie Brown: Happiness is, morning and evening, daytime and nightime too.For happiness, is anyone, and anything, at all, that's loved, by you!
Linus: Happiness, is having a sister
Lucy: Sharing a sandwich
Lucy and Linus: Getting along!
Everybody: Happiness, is singing together when day, is through, and happiness is those who sing with you.
Everybody: Happiness is morning and evening, daytime and nightime too. For happiness, is anyone, and anything, at all, that's loved, by you!

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