Monday, November 28, 2016

Finding my way back, a picture at a time

Life has a way of being crazy and wild, and keeps me holding on for dear life.

I have had rare moments, just glimpses really that I am finding my way back.  They happen so quick, almost before I see them sometimes.

A ride with my girl Ellie this weekend gave me one of those glimpses.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


Last night as I sat on my deck,  my dogs alternating between snuggling with me and running around the yard,  I had a brief moment of peace.  These moments are hard to come by lately in my life,  so when they happen they are even more amazing.  I sat mostly in silence, although I wasn't alone, and felt the depth of my life right now.  Only recently have I began to believe I will make it to the other side of this chapter, to begin living again.
Staring at this moon, I sent a message to the only person in the world who gets how big this small moment is. And received a message back that confirmed I am not alone and someone else out there gets me...thank you for that.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


November 1st and riding! Love !
Plus dinner how could I not ?